Setex Optician Set


Item-No: sx01-kit   EAN: 4028046056832

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    NEW for opticians from Switzerland: now also in CHF and delivery from Switzerland through our partner Doptik AG, Siebnen!

    Setex Anti-Slip Nose & Temple Tip Grips
    Ideal for patients who:
    ° Have a small or narrow nose bridge
    ° Are challenged with oily skin
    ° Sweat due to activities
    ° Experience thinning skin due to aging
    ° Get deep red indent marks
    ° Are consistently hard to fit

    Quantity: 40 pairs of nose pads black and clear, 8 temple tip grips
    1. Setex Ultra-Thin clear Nose Pads : 10 pairs
    2. Setex Ultra-Thin black Nose Pads: 5 pairs
    3. Setex Thick clear Nose Pads: 10 pairs
    4. Setex Thick black Nose Pads: 5 pairs
    5. Setex Nano clear Nose Pads: 5 pairs
    6. Setex Nano black Nose Pads: 5 pairs
    7. Setex Temple Tip Grips : 4 pairs